Home Fashion Update Auspicious Feng shui animals
Auspicious Feng shui animals
Besides topography, the symbol of prosperity and luck also play an important role in Feng shui.

Most people think that paintings, statues, lacquerwares, sculptures and jade found in anywhere are used for decoration. In fact, they are believed as the auspicious symbol to support Feng shui.

Dragon or Lung
Dragon or Lung is believed as the king of scaly animals. It represents strength, goodness, intention, endeavor, bravery and patience. In addition, dragon is considered the spirit of change and development who can bring the rain to all mankind. That is why people worship it as representative of the natural force.

In China, dragon is the symbol of the great power of the emperor. Thousands of dragon were used to decorate many parts of the throne room and forbidden city such as wall, ceiling, door and throne. For business, dragon means luck. That is why you always find dragon in chinese restaurant and shop.

If you visit your friend's house and find dragon paintings, ask your friend if anyone was born in the cock year. Because cock is supposed to be phoenix, close-friend of dragon. The dragon painting is considered to be proper to cock year people.

Phoenix or Feng Huang
Phoenix or Feng Huang is the king of poultry and is the most beautiful bird in the universe. It symbolizes warmth of the sun, summer and fire. People believed that phoenix would appear only in the happy and flourishing time.

According to Feng Shui principle, phoenix is a representative of the South which means summer, warmth, life and harvest. Turning front of the house to the South will bring luck to the householders.

In chinese marriage, phoenix and dragon pictures are usually used to decorate in the party because it is believed that phoenix can provide children to spouse and dragon will heip their children to be strong and healthy.

Unicorn or Chi Lin
Unicorn or Chi Lin is a symbol of long life, intelligence, elegance, cheerfulness and reputation. Chineses believe that decorating home with the unicorn statue can make all members in the family be merciful and clever.
Turtle is a symbol of long life, strength and tolerance. Feng Shui experts believe that feeding turtle will help the owner to be long life and healthy.


Bat is a symbol of happiness and long life. The beginning of this belief is from the word “Fu” (means bat in chinese word) which is quite similar to the word which means “happy”.
Deer is only one kind of animal found in sacrifice to ask for immortality. So, it becomes a symbol of long life.
Sarus crane
Sarus crane, the popular animal in chinese art, is believed as the representative of long life.
Horse represents rapidity and endeavor. In China, you may hear someone call their children as a young horse.
Although elephant is rarely found in chinese art work, it is also said that elephant is a symbol of strength and cleverness. For Chineses, elephant means animal comes with force and power, therefore it can protect them from any devil.
Tiger symbolizes bravery. The picture of this animal is generally used to prevent devil by hanging it in the house. However, it must be sure that there is no members in the family born in the year that being food of tiger such as rabbit, cock or pig year because it is believed that tiger will destroy their life.
Lion means power and bravery. We always find its statue at the entry of temples or giant houses because it is believed that lion can protect them from any devil.
For Chinese people, each part of chicken has the meaning. Crest means intelligence. Tenon is bravery. The instinct of protection is mercifulness and early getting up means reliability. In addition, it is believed that hanging red chicken picture in the house or office can protect fire while white chicken help to hide members from devil at night.

However, do not forget that you are what you do. The most important thing to direct your life is yourself. “Help yourself before God and help you”.

Besides these auspicious animals, there are also various kinds of auspicious plants which we will show you next time. Sometimes, you will get some ideas for your lovely garden.
