Home Tip & Technique How to store Longan
How to store Longan

How to store Longan

Longan is a popular fruit both in fresh and processed form. It is closely related to the lychee and similar in growth and fruiting habit. Besides the sweetness and deliciousness, it also a great source of Vitamin C ,carbohydrate and protein.But you should not eat too much ,it will cause of apthous ulcer. So! How we can keep the rest of Longans.

Buying Tips 
1. Try to look for reputable shop.

2. Avoid any fruit having too many black marks .Choose heavy fruit with intact shell .

3. Buy longan with unreasonably low price is not recommended .
Storage Tips

It will be better to separate longan from meat . Then place it in the refrigerator .You can frozen longan with its pericarp in a sealed container .In addition, you may peel and seed, it can be canned or poached in syrup. Avoid eating longan refrigerated over 2 weeks.