Home Tip & Technique Newborn bathing tips
Newborn bathing tips
Newborn bathing tips
Bathing your infant for the first time might raise some questions. He /she requires a special way of bathing especially if they still have the umbilical cord .Knowing the steps to this intimate process can make life much easier for the parent and child.

Make sure the room is warm and draft-free. Then pick a wide surface near running water, such as a kitchen sink or bathroom counter.Take off jewelry that could scratch your baby's skin and prepare the following items:mild soap , cotton balls Rubbing alcohol ,cotton swabs ,diaper and clean clothes .

For the infant's first few baths will take place without being submerged in water. This can help the belly button area where the umbilical cord is still attached not to get wet. Clean the surface area around the cord with an alcohol soaked swab. Besides prevent infection,it also helps dry up the base of cord. Remember that newborn babies don't really need soap as they don't get dirty. If your baby has delicate skin, plain water is good enough for a bath.

After the initial two weeks are over and the umbilical cord has fallen off it is time to give baby a bath submerged in water. Most of parents find that using their sink works fine but using baby bathtub with a rubber backing is recommended more safe . First test your water temperature for a lukewarm feel. Baby's skin is much more delicate than adults so it will feel a bit cooler than you would anticipate. Pour the lukewarm water and baby soap into the baby tub . It does not need to be full, just enough to cover the bottom of baby so you can wash with a cloth. To keep your newborn from slipping out of your hands, wear a pair of thin cotton gloves

You may want to clean your newborn's face outside the bath first with damp cotton wool. Then wash behind your baby's ears , between his fingers and toes, and in the crevices of his elbows, knees, face, and neck. Wash only the outer ear, not the canal.

After that wash the head and hair if it necessary .First hold your baby in one arm ,use your thumb and little finger keep out the water from your baby's ear .Then squeeze a little water on top of her head with a washcloth.Apply a dab of no tears baby shampoo and gently massage the scalp. Remove all traces of the shampoo with a washcloth dipped in warm water. Dry gently but thoroughly so your baby won't feel chilled.

Finally wrap the newborn in the soft towel . Try to gently pat the baby dry with the towel. This is a good time to apply a baby lotion and or powder. It helps prevent chapped and dry skin as well as making your baby smell clean and fresh.

It is not necessary to bath your infant every day as long as the diaper area and skin folds are kept clean. Babies generally need baths at least every two to three days. They are not dirty and often bathing will give them dry skin.

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