Home Health & Beauty Veggies : Intelligent choices to Health
Veggies : Intelligent choices to Health
Besides of low cost, veggies also contain the numerous of nutritional value ; Carbohydrate, Protein, Vimin,Fatty ,Mineral and Fiber. So, let's see what each vegetable presents us. Veggies : Intelligent choices to Health

"Veggies : Intelligent choices to Health"

Would you like to be more healthier ? Veggies can be a great option to you!

Besides of low cost, veggies also contain the numerous of nutritional value ; Carbohydrate, Protein, Vimin,Fatty ,Mineral and Fiber. So, let's see what each vegetable presents us.

Chinese kale
Chinese kale is one of the most healthful food you can eat . Along with a rich supply of vitamins and minerals--notably C vitamin, which helps keeping the skin fresh . In addition, Chinese kale contains a good amount of Beta-Carotene.

Chinese white cabbage
Chinese white cabbage is rich of folate (folic acid).It is a substance woman needed both before and in the first week of pregnancy and can help reduce the risk of certain serious and common birth defects called neural tube defects, which affect the brain and spinal cord.

Water Morning Glory
Water Morning Glory is a great source of Beta-Carotene,which become an A vitamin.It is effective to nourish eyes. Water morning glory is also contain of C vitamin ,mineral ,iron calcium and phosphorus.These substances are valuable to bone and teeth.Moreover, there is a fiber ,which can help in excretory system. For the diabetes patients,eating water morning glory can reduce their symptom.

Asparagus is an excellent source of glutathione , an anti-cancer substance. Generally ,glutathione are always found in green leave veggies, asparagus and avocado. Glutathione and C vitamin are the sperm -alert diet and the anti- cancer substance in both of men and women .Asparagus is also the rich source of folic acid and contains B6 vitamin , A vitamin,potassium, thiamine,copper, iron, phosphorus, and zinc. In addition , asparagus contains asparagine, an acid substance that gives the vegetable its characteristic flavor and is also a diuretic.

Shiitake (Lentinus edodes)
Shiitake ,Lentinus edodes, has been prized by people in China, Japan, and Korea for at least 2,000 years. Shiitake contain a powerful anti-tumor polysaccharide (a type of large complex carbohydrate molecule) called lentinan. Lentinan and a group of similar polysaccharides help the body resist and fight off cancer and other invasions by stimulating various parts of the body\'s defense system including the production of lymphocytes, macrophages, and the natural killer cells. It is also effective in helping to suppress cancer recurren , lower cholesterol , anti-aging and in prolonging the lifespan of cancer patients.

Vigna sinensis
Besides of the well-know in an excellent source of protein,viga sinensis also contain of 2 kinds of fiber. Insoluble fiber is advantage to the excretory system .Soluble fiber can help reducing cholesterol. Besides of these ,having fresh vigna sinensis is good for iron absorption

Snow peas
Snow peas are the rich source of protein ,may be more than other veggies. Beta-carotene is also found in snow peas .It helps to prevent cancer and Ischaemic Heart . Snow peas contain of calcium and phosphorus ,which effective to prevent tissue from toxin.Fiber in snow peas can keep cancer away from us .

Cucumber had a reputation as a beauty aid especially for keeping the skin white. Now that white skin is considered fashionable (and healthier) again, perhaps there will be a resurgence in using cucumbers in this manner! It\'s effectiveness as a soothing, cooling eye pack is much better known these days. The cucumber is also consumed for its medicinal properties; fever , thirsty relieve and urine urging . However, after having hot dish, eating cucumber can reduce your symptom. Cucumber can also decrease blood presure and prevent cancer .

Hot and spicy become the first idea when talking about chilli.Actually ,it contains high valued more than you think .Chilli helps in blood-circulation.In addition , capsaicin ,an anti-oxidant substance can prevent us from heart disease ,cataract and some kinds of cancer.

Besides of being a valued source of glutamic, a substance that give the food taste , it also contain of lycopene ,a kind of carotenoid that helps reducing the risk of colon cancer.
The study of Harvard School of Public showed that having tomato 10 times a week can lowering the risk of prostate cancer over 45 %.Beta-carotene and phosphorus are also found in tomato.

The carrot contains a high percentage of the form Vitamin A, known as Beta-Carotene.
Beta-Carotene also helps prevent night blindness and other eye problems, skin disorders, enhance immunity, protects against toxins and cancer formations, colds, flu, and infections. It is an antioxidant and protector of the cells while slowing the aging process.

