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Spring/Summer 2008
Wake up girl ! It's summer now. Are you ready to beat the heat? If yes, there are various style of attire and accessories wait for you in the Spring/Summer 2008.
Eat right for your type
It is said that man nowadays is more long-lived than he was in years of the past. This is because of...
How to choose the right socks.
When winter comes, socks are accessories help to protect your feet from cold, friction and cushioning. In addition, they also help you looking good.
Amazing Surin Elephant Round-Up 2007
Elephants have always played an integral part in Thai culture and Thai history. All Thai kings had a stable of white elephants and the animals once decorated the national flag and currency. Only ten years ago Thailand still had 4000 elephants. Nowadays only 2500 remain.
Prefall 2007-8 collection
Although it's a rainy season, winter is coming. So, all designers are busy preparing styles for the following seasons to fulfill their customers needs.
7 powerful ways to sharpen your memory and increase your intelligence.
Wouldn’t it be nice if we never forget anything? Bad news is , no one can not remember all things. Because, when we are paying attention to something, we always forget and ignore other things.
9 to 5 : Miracle always happen
Besides of low pay, long hours and fussy employers, boring in work from 9 am to 5 pm is a reason why good employees quit and go to another company, perhaps even old competitor.
Phi Ta Khon : Thailand's Halloween
Although it's hard to believe there's a spirit, it's better not to talk about it, right? By the way, there is a ghost's legend from the Northeast of Thailand to make you change your mind.

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