Two in One
You can find me in all oceans of the world. I look pretty weird because of my strange shape and colors. My body contains small sense organs that respond to light and gravity. Many enjoy eating me while the rest is afraid of me. Who am I?
Physically, nothing good when we are old. Uninvited guests such as wrinkle and flabbiness come and stay with us permanently. Where are they and how to conceal them from public?
No bone No brain But Danger!
The reason why most people would rather go to the sea in summer than rainy season is the weather. Swimming or sunbathing during storm is absolutely not a joke. But there is still a reason why the sea lovers avoid closing their favorite place in this
Keep your optics Clean & Clear
For contact lenses wearers, this article is special for you.
Quality and Quantity
A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, ......., R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, AND Z. What 's the alphabet I should fill in the blank? Help me find, please.

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