Indigenous Vegetables: Edible Fern
"Idigenous vegetables" means whatever plant naturally found in local area and used for cooking . In addition, it's rich of nutrient and can be used as family herb. Edible_Fern
“You are what you eat” This sentence has been used in many occasions for many years and it is true. Whenever I hear this sentence, I always think of health. But I recently get one point hidden in it. Not only health, also money in your pocket. It doesn't mean that vegetables sold in supermarket are better than one sold in fresh market or one found in field, river or grove. Why pay more for equal quality? To get good health and increase your savings, today we would like to present you the indigenous vegetables in Thailand. After your reading, just look around you. Maybe 1 question with 1 exclamation. “Why I have never known these are edible?. Wow! Its taste is excellent!”

"Idigenous vegetables" means whatever plant naturally found in local area and used for cooking . In addition, it's rich of nutrient and can be used as family herb.


"Paco" is an edible fern which is a flowerless plant founded in sandy soil area near watercourse in every regions of Thailand. The distinctive character of this plant is that it is very sensitive to all kinds of chemical and the change of environment. Therefore we wil automatically know that where the soil and surroundings are still good by observing this edible plant.

This edible fern is the real indigenous vegetable of Thai Cuisine. Various local edible fern menus inherited from generation to generation can explain the above sentence very well. To preserve freshness, soak fern in water for a while before wrapping with damp cloth. The other way is dipping it into water and then wrapping with newspaper, keep it in fridge. By these ways, edible fern is fresh for 2-3 days.

If you go to the market and have 2 bunches of this fern. The menu below is recommended. It is easy to cook and the taste is excellent!

Menu: Fern salad


- 2 bunches of edible fern young leaves
- 7-10 birds eye chillies – minced
- 5-7 shallots – chopped
- 5 cloves of garlic – thinly sliced
- 1/2 teaspoon of salt
- 2 tablespoons of shrimp paste
- 1-2 tablespoons of palm sugar
- 1-2 tablespoons of fish sauce
- 2 tablespoons of dried shrimp
- 1-2 tablespoons of lime juice
- 1 cup of coconut flesh – thinly sliced and roasted


1. Cut off the bottom of edible fern, clean the rest and dry it. Then scald it in salted boiled water for 1-2 minutes and soak it into cool water for a while before slice it.

2.Clean dried shrimp and dip it into water until soft. Pound until becomes powder. Add garlic, chillies, palm sugar and shrimp paste and pound again to combine all ingredients together.

3.Put scalded fern in a bowl. Then add the pounded dried shrimp and genlty stir to mix together. Add fish sauce, lime juice as you want. Sprinkle roasted coconut flesh, shallots and chilies on top. The next step is to serve.

About nutritional value, edible fern is a great source of iron and beta-carotine. The body will absorb these nutrients better if we eat it with meat. The healthy benefits we will get are:

- We will be always fresh.
- It is good for eyes.
- We will get the strong immunity


Edible fern is easy to find in local market but in Bangkok, this vegetable is available at Thevet and Chatujak.

To keep this excellent food with us as long as possible, take care of the environment. Don't forget that plant needs like we need.




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