Silk......fabric needs special care
Thailand is described by travelers as "the most exquisite country in Asia". It is colored by a distinct culture, with a rich and varied heritage, and it is home to a remarkable range of scenic beauty. Whatever you interest, you will find in this un Untitled Document
Thailand is described by travelers as "the most exquisite country in Asia". It is colored by a distinct culture, with a rich and varied heritage, and it is home to a remarkable range of scenic beauty. Whatever you interest, you will find in this unique land.

Silk, a special fabric is also a great souvenir most Thai people are proud to present to all vistors. Besides its beauty, charm and comfort, silk shows the perseverance of the weavers.

Silk production begins with growing mulberry for silkworms which takes a year. Then people have to feed silkworms with the mulberry 3-5 times a day for 20-25 days. After that they will provide you their cocoon.

In addition, the owners have to take care their silkworms closely. Any insects or disease haven't allow to disturb them. Until silkworms provide cocoons, people will bring these cocoons to spin (Sao Mai) before bleaching, dyeing , printing and weaving.

So, to extend its useful life and last forever , your silk needs the following special care.

1. Sewing

Begins with soaking your silk into hot water to drive the rest color away. In addition, this also helps to shine your silk. Then leave it dry, spray with little of water and press your silk fabric inside out with a warm iron.


Both of normal and special ironing need light pressing. It will be best to iron your silk at the temperature of 120 – 140 celsius degree. However, cover your silk with thick cotton cloth to prevent damage.Steam can be used on most silk fabrics. If silk fabric is thin use a dry iron, steam can cause fine fabrics to pucker.

3. Washing

Dry wahsing is the best. But wash your silk in lukewarm water with non alkaline soap if you have to wash it by water. Then wring softly before bring it to dry in the shade. Never expose your silk to the sun , this will reduce its brightness.

4. Care

Remember, expose you silk into the shade every time you use it. press your silk fabric inside out with a warm iron if there is wrinkle.

In rainy season, you should have the special care on your silk especially for insects and fungus prevention. To save your silk from those, it will be best to leave insecticide products ( such as Chloropicrin, Methylbromide and Hydrophosphate, etc.. ) in your wardrobe. However this product shouldn't touch with your clothes. It will be better to keep your silk apparel in the low temperature and clean cloth bag. The great time to dry your silk is from 10.00 am. - 02.00 pm.

Insecticide is a harmful chemical, don't forget to read its label or direction before use.


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