BILIMBI : happiness you can touch
Happiness is a short word that comes with the great meaning and everyone needs. However, each person has their own idea of happiness . Somes are deep sleep, having warm family, being a millionaire or travelling somewhere they wish. For me, hedlth...
Happiness is a short word that comes with the great meaning and everyone needs. However, each person has their own idea of happiness . Somes are deep sleep, having warm family, being a millionaire or travelling somewhere they wish. For me, hedlth is the highest gain. "Health is better than wealth" That's truly happiness.
Diet is an important factor to indicate healthiness. If you take clean and hot food, don't be serious about diarrhea. But your teeth may gone away if you love sucking lollipop everytimes.

When we are talking about eating , I always think of an extreme taste of food in southern of Thailand. Here you will find the most spicy, sweetest and bitingly sour food.

Besides sweet and meat dishes, fruit is also an excellent menu all gourmets always thumb up, especially ambutan, mangosteen, durian and giant luscious longkong. However, there is a marvelous local plant that lots of you have never tried . It is called "bilimbi".

Bilimbi or cucumber tree is so-called "Talingpling" in southern of Thailand (somewhere call this "Moongmong, Bleeming or Lingpling") It is a native plant of South-East Asia and somewhere in Brazil.

Bilimbi is a small perennial plant in Averrhoaceae family like star fruit. It has a short trunk (about 6 metres height) soon dividing into a number of upright hairy branches. The leaves come with spear shaped and mainly cluster at branch tips (11-37 leaves per branch). The dark red flower, appearing in panicles, from the trunk and oldest branches, are small and fragrant. The bright-green fruit is 2-3?" in length and extremely sour . This emerge directly from the trunk, often in clusters. The brown seeds are flattened and very small.


Health benefits of bilimbi

Well, due to rich of sour taste , bilimbi is a great source of vitamin C. Besides this, it also contains calcium, phosphorous, vitamin A, B1, B2 niacin potassium and oxalate.

Bilimbi is medicinally used as a folk remedy for many symptoms. The fruit is used to reduce cough, phlegm, scurvy and purify blood. Squeeze bilimbi for its juice and drink. Mix the juice with boiled water and add some salt or sugar to lower its sour.

Bilimbi root is very useful to reduce thirsty and treat the apthous ulcer. Clean the roots with water, then bring them to boil. Drink until you get better.

Bilimbi leaves are used as a remedy for cough, phlegm, mumps and itch. Wash a handful of bilimbi leaves. Then pound them thoroughly with small boiled water . After that apply this mixture to your mumps twice a day (in the morning and evening).

For someone who wants to try this but have no idea, we have some special menu for you. In Thai cuisine, this fruit is always cooked as "Namprik (chili sauce) , Kaeng Som (sour soup) , Tom Som (fish soup with ginger), and Tom Yam (spicy lemongrass soup)". For sweet dish , bilimbi is also great as fruit preserve.

Some researchers found that after having this fruit, bilimbi 100 g. will provide people 11 kilo calories which cosist of

fibre 0.3 g.
calcium 1 mg.
phosphorous 6 mg.
iron 0.2 mg.
vitamin A 267 IU (International Unit)
vitamin B1 0.03 mg.
vitamin B2 0.09 mg.
Niacin 0.7 mg.
vitamin C 2 mg.

So, if you are boring with lemon taste, why don't try bilimbi. I'm sure that you may be fascinated with this new bitingly sour.


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