A wonderful natural nutrient !
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We have known for long time that rice is a great source of carbohydrate. In fact, not only this nutrient we can get from rice but including other nutrients which the body needs such as phosphorus, iron, calcium and fibre.
Especially for slightly polished rice called “brown rice”, this kind of rice has a nutty flavor and more nutrients than white rice. It is full of fibre, vitamin B1, B2, Niacinamide and also a great source for beriberi patient. In addition, brown rice still has an important role in nervous system and widely used as medicine. For example, due to complex carbohydrate, when you feel depressive, have 2-3 spoons of rice and masticate it carefully. After that, you will feel fresh because glucose is seeping into blood circulation.

Nowadays, even though brown rice lovers are increasing, the number of people who prefer white rice are still high. Unfortunately, white rice consumers do not have a chance to get vitamins from rice because it already goes with husk. So, do not be astonished when you find your pigs look healthier than you.

Rice dish in every meal is recommended because it can help the body and brain to get enough glucose. After rice is digested in one meal, glucose will be sent into the body in the next meal. This digestion cycle is on all the time. That is the reason why you will not lack of glucose if you regularly have rice on your menu but it has to takes about twice as long to cook.


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