Shitake Mushrooms : (Lentinula edodes)
Due to eat no animal products at all, including eggs or dairy, all vegetarians have to find another foodstuff to nourish their health. The most popular one is "Shitake".

Recently , in many American markets are full of new goods called "Shitake Mushrooms" but the Asians have used it for thousands of years as a tonic and stimulant to increase vitality , prevent cerebral hemorrhage strokes , as well as improve circulation. Because of their woodsy flavor , nutritional value and health benefits , Shitake becomes the second most consumed mushrooms in the world.

Shitake is a japanese word : "shi or shii" means oak and "take" means mushroom , sometimes called black forest mushrooms. Shitake is tasty with meaty texture like botton mushrooms. It contains essential amino acids and is a good source of dietary fiber , vitamin C , B , protein , potassium , niacin , calcium , magnesium and phosphorus

Currently, it is reported that a "sugar protein" (glycoprotein) , extract of Shitake mycelia , has just been found by researchers at Yamaguchi University to be more effective than azidothymidine (AZT) in the treatment of AIDS. This substance may be free of side effects and might replace AZT in treatment of AIDS.

In the West , some scientists demonstrated that lentinan , a substance from the mushroom , has anti-tumor properties. It is also help to lower cholesterol and blood pressure. In addition , a highly purified form of lentinan is already approved in Japan as an anti - cancer medicine used with chemotherapy. It has been shown to be helpful in reducing chromosomal damage caused by anti - cancer drugs.

Moreover , people believe that Shitake consumption assists them in recovering from fatigue. Having Shitake can prevent hangover and relieve allergies and constipation , probably due to its high content of fiber.

It is said that "the best Shitake always grown on natural hardwood logs such as oak , hickory, and sweet gum".

The consumer can buy Shitake in supermarket and cook it in several methods such as fry , barbecue , bake , boil , and raw. In Japan , they are served in miso soup , used as the basis for a kind of vegetarian dashi , and also as an ingredient in many steamed and simmered dishes.

The stems are also rarely used in cooking because they are harder and take longer to cook than the soft fleshy caps. Their protein content , meaty texture and intense flavor make them particularly valuable to vegetarians.

Tips of buying Shitake is looking for full fleshy caps and white markings around the edges. Try not to choose small thin caps , long stems with bulbous ends , broken and yellowish gill or strong smell. They are low quality. Get the goods label that "natural log-grown" mushrooms in the case of buying from supermarket. Buy Shitake directly from a log grower can make you sure that you will gain the high grade goods.


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