The dark side of drinking green tea
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The dark side of drinking green tea
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Nowadays, there are full of herbal infusion and ready to drink green tea. The study found that herbal infusion is more worthy than ready to drink green tea .

While the herbal infusion is rich of healthy substance, ready to drink green tea is diluted by adding too much sugar . This can effect your health such as kidneys damage, diabetes and depression, etc. So, drinking ready to drink green tea is drinking soft drink.

In addition, green tea may casue of food allergies. The patient may be constipated, having diarrhea , hives , swelling and breathlessness, etc. The best way to help you to manage with these you should go to see the doctor immediately.

Heavy and prolonged consumption of green tea may be associated with Kaposi's sarcoma. Green tea is also not good for blood patient because it can effect to the absorbtion of vitamin B1 and iron.

For all patients, it would be best to drink green tea 2 hours before or after taking drugs. Diabetes patients, pregnant women and elders should not drink green tea before going to bed. Green tea is not reccommened for children under 3 years old because it contains tannin, which can reduce the uptake of iron in their body. So, this related to the growth and development of children, including the risk of being anemia.

Avoid drinking too hot green tea . This can effect your mouth and cause of cancer.

Although green tea comes with many health benefits, but too much of anything is not healthy. So, it would be best not to drink too much of this, especially ready to drink green tea. Remember that water is always the best drink to our body.


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